March 30, 2008

It's Divine Mercy Sunday!!

But I have almost nothing to say because I'm too overwhelmed right now!

Why am I overwhelmed? Well, because I went to the first Extraordinary Form Mass on campus here at Steubie and thought it was AWESOME! Lest ye suspect I may be a bad Traditionalist if I think a Steubie FE is awesome, let me tell you I know at least some of the Traditionalists I know here thought it was awesome too!

But since I've got to say something about this sunday, I'll pass along a comment made by the fellows of Tantum Ergo Sacramentum:

It's quite interesting that the readings for this sunday for centuries have been of Christ giving the Apostles the authority to forgive sins and then just a matter of decades ago Christ in a vision gives us Divine Mercy Sunday on the day of those readings. God plans ahead, doesn't he?

Sorry for the craziness, but I really am hyped right now.

God bless and happy Easter (it's a season, people)!



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